The catering consultancy specialising in school meals tenders


Advice & support for managing your catering
Tender support and management Healthchecks and auditing

Your pupils and their learning are your priority.

You have a busy school to oversee yet you know your catering contract is not quite performing as it should, perhaps you are feeling that you are not seeing the area manager quite as much as you used to or would like to.

It maybe that your catering contract end date is looming, and you know that you need to think about putting the contract out to tender.

We have supported school business managers, head teachers, procurement professionals and Estate Directors across single site schools and multi-academy trusts to tender, source and manage the best catering partner for them.  

Our services extend to ensuring your caterer gets off to the best start and continues in the same manner. We can attend termly meetings, assess contract performance, and undertake health checks for you and on your behalf.

Try our know how now, give us a call…

Primary and Secondary School tender
Primary and Secondary School school meals
Primary and Secondary School catering
Primary and secondary school catering advice